
Today was my first argument in the Court of Appeals.  It's been a really stressful week for me, and this argument was a big factor in my stress, but it was also a big factor in my stress relief.  Though preparing for argument is intense and I was very very nervous before the argument actually happened, I am deeply appreciative of the whole process.

First, there was a wonderful moment of falling in love with my job again.  I do love my job, and I enjoy it every day, but it's still nice to have those moments of pure and unadulterated ... belonging?  completeness?  A sense that this.. this ... is what I"m supposed to be doing.  There are days when writing a brief or researching a point of law or corresponding with clients is difficult, when I'm not excited or not engaged and it feels like a slog, but this was a reaffirmation that despite those days, I love my work and I am good at it.

Arguing before the court is a fabulous mix of what it feels like to be on stage and what it feels like to take an exam.  (I know it's weird that I love exams, but I kind of do!)  It's an adrenaline rush and also a demanding precision exercise that requires quick thinking, deep thinking, and confidence.  It's hard, and the difficulty is what makes it fun.  So much fun.

I really needed a boost today, and I got it.

Special thanks to my Betsy, for stopping by for my celebratory lunch, to Sara, for arranging for a ride for me to get to work early and prep, to Dan, for making me brownies and driving me home, and to Jonah and Kali for coming to watch.  Also many thanks to Ryan for helping me prep and talking me through this process.  Finally, many thanks to Spencer for his support, encouragement and love.  It's a good day.


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