
Tomorrow is going to be a grand experiment for me.

Last week, while The Husband was in San Diego for Comic Con, I realized that having unfettered access to my own car was a profoundly liberating experience, and that I had been unconsciously but constantly stressed by the logistics of being a one-car family.  We made the choice to just have one car when we moved here, and for the most part, it works, but when I really saw how much time I have when don't have to wait for the car, and how much easier it is to plan things when I know that I have wheels, I just couldn't stand it anymore.  We need a second car.

Of course, then the first car blew up.  So now we have zero cars.  The second car dream is going to have to wait quite a while, and right now we are focusing on getting a reliable first car.  Bleh.  So, as an experiment, I am going to try ... biking!

How very Portland of me.

I've never been much a cyclist.  I am clumsy and until recently, not very athletic.  But now I want to see if my bike can help bridge the car gap for a while and reduce my daily waiting-to-go-places time.  So tomorrow morning I am going to bike to the park and ride to meet my carpool.  It's a little scary, because Tigard is not really the Land of Bike Paths, and because I'm... well, a little rusty at riding a bike.  I haven't ridden in... a long time.  LONG.  Don't tell any of the real Portlanders I said that.

So, wish me luck!  And, watch out for cyclists!


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