Skipping a Run

I woke up this morning with really really achy legs.  I ran yesterday, but not very far or very hard, so I am not sure why they were bothering me, unless I just didn't stretch enough or I slept funny last night.  Anyway, all day my knees have been creaky and my muscles sore, so I'm skipping my run today in the hopes that I'll be in tip top shape for my long run tomorrow.  I've been skimping on the shorts runs for the last few weeks, but my long runs have been going fine anyway, so I am pretty confident that this is a good choice.  It's important in this process to listen to my body and not push too hard, but to push just hard enough.

Also, it's been a really nice lazy day and I'm feeling really.. nice and lazy.  Tomorrow will be a long run and then we're having some friends over, so I'll be plenty busy then.  For now, I'm parked on the couch and happy about it.


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