Half Marathon Training Program Week One

Today was the last day of Week One.  It went well.  I skipped one run day because I was so sore from the weight training day I'd done, but I still put in four solid running days this week, and a long run today with my friend Jared.

*Special Note*-- I will not be having Jared map our run route again.  Our five miles today was all big damn hills, and at the bottom of each hill he'd look over at me and laugh sheepishly, like "oops!  I forgot this hill was here!" and then "Ooops!  Another one!"

Still, I powered up all the hills and I felt pretty good for actually running the whole thing, hills and all.  It was a good run and not as cold as it was supposed to be.  I'm kind of getting into running in the cold anyway, though.  It's refreshing and makes me feel like I'm a champion of badassitude.

In other news, it's time for new running shoes.  Mine are shot and my shins are starting to complain.  Lame.

Running Summary for the Week-
Monday- 2 miles
Tuesday- Nada
Wednesday-2.5 miles
Thursday-2.75 miles plus cross train
Friday- cross train
Saturday- nada
Sunday- 5 miles (of really really big hills)


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