
Today was a milestone for me, in a weird way.  Today, for the first time (not counting bookstores) in years a perfect stranger flirted with me.  At the gym a 40-something Russian guy interrupted my crossover lunges and we had the following exchange:

Random Guy: Are you a skier? 

Me: What? (removes earbuds from ears)

Random Guy: A skier?  Do you ski?  You have really amazing balance so I thought maybe you ski.

Me: Um, no.  I don't ski.  I just so this lunge routine a lot.

Random Guy: A dancer maybe?  You dance a lot?  You are really graceful.

Me: Um, sure.  No, not a dancer either.  Thanks...

Random Guy: Yeah.  Graceful.  Good balance.  You must work out a lot.

Me: Yeah, I do.  Thanks.  (inserts earbuds firmly back into ears and ostentatiously turns on Ipod.)

So, yes.  Weird. Though he was a little creepy in that he was breaking the "no talking to strangers at the gym" rule, he seemed mostly nice and I was really pretty flattered.  I am occasionally the recipient of some really awkward flirting attempts in bookstores, usually in the Sci-Fi section at Powell's, but it's rare, and usually focused on my knowledge of Jim Butcher, George R. R. Martin, Alan Dean Foster, Terry Pratchett and David Weber, and not so much on my "balance" and "grace."  I have to admit it is nice for me as an old married lady to get a little ego boost once in a while.  So, thanks, random guy!


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