In the Kitchen

I got home late this evening, so we ate leftovers while I'm broiling chicken for use in salad and candying some pecans for us to munch on during Glee! We'll have the pecan/gouda crudites that Spencer loves so much, and perhaps some popcorn, and hopefully I'll be able to get the kitchen cleaned up and the salads made so we have lunch and tomorrow's dinner already taken care of.

In other exciting news, (on a very low scale of "exciting") I'm going to try baking some bread this weekend with my friend Sarah (not to be confused with my friend Sara).  I am thinking that I will do traditional knead bread this weekend, and then perhaps join the fad of 5-minutes-a-day bread.  We don't spend too much on bread, really, but it would be great to have fresh, whole wheat deliciousness in the house all the time for samiches and  snacks.  If I could make sourdough, the The Husband would love me forever!  I mean, love me MORE forever.

I've never been much of a baker, because that requires one to follow the rules and color inside the lines and not randomly add stuff that sounds good.  So, I will have to really apply myself to this whole recipe thing.


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