Chicken burgers with apples and brie

Okay, so I like brie.  A lot.  And I spend my days thinking of things to put it on.  So, when I encountered a truly brilliant take on the Turkey Burger (staple of BBQing for all us non-mammal eaters) at a restaurant in Denver, I was pleased and set about to duplicate its tastiness in my own kitchen.  In my home version, I've substituted ground chicken for turkey, but either would work fine. Caution: This is NOT health food, despite the burger-made-of-bird.  Do not be fooled.

1 package ground chicken
1 oz white wine
1 egg
4 Kaiser rolls
1 wedge brie
1 apple, I like Granny smith for this
salt, pepper, mayo

Mix the chicken, egg and wine together in a bowl until combined.  Separate into four equal chunks.  Will be gooey.  Cook on a well-greased (WELL-GREASED, trust me) griddle or stove-top grill pan.  A real grill won't work too well for this because the consistency of the burgers is too gooey.  Feel free to try, though, if your mad skills surpass my own.  My technique is to scoop up a quarter of meat, dollop it onto the griddle (which has been well-greased, if you hadn't caught that) and smooth it into a patty shape with my spatula, rather than trying to pre-shape it.  It's like making meat cookies.  Yummm. Once the patty has cooked through enough to hold together, flip it.  Flip it good.

Meanwhile, cut the kaiser rolls in half like a hamburger bun and lightly butter the insides.  Lay them, buttered side down, on the back of the griddle over low heat while the burgers are cooking.  Slice the apples into thin flat slices and do the same with the brie.  Okay, fat slices are fine.  When the burgers are mostly done, lay the apples and brie on top of each burger and put a pan or a lid over the top like a dome to trap the heat in and thereby melt the cheese.  Physics!

When the kaiser rolls are all melted-buttery, warm and crispy, take them off the heat and lightly mayo them.  Variation: Mix the mayo with finely caramelized onions, or chutney, or some other gooey delicious thing, and then spread it on the kaiser rolls.  Once the brie is all melty, serve the burgers on the rolls.  And please, take your Lipitor.

Good with a green salad or the leftover brie.


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