Okay, so there is a presidential election happening, and I've been ignoring the hell out of it, because primaries are really really seizure-inducingly horrendous. And also there's no way I'd ever vote for any of the Republicans so I feel free to ignore their shenanigans until John Stewart encapsulates them for me in easily digestible pieces of hilarious crazitude.
But, BUT... it's time to pay attention. Yes, I know, democracy is a real drag and this country is not built on informed, thoughtful participation in the political process. Quite the opposite. But, just for a minute, pretend that you are an incredibly fortunate person blessed enough to live in a free(ish) country where the rule of law, inalienable rights and notable lack of dysentary are just some of the benefits you enjoy and all that's asked of you in return is that you help pick the people who keep it all working. Okay? Okay.
So, I happen to like the guy who is theoretically captaining the great ship America on this crazy adventure. I know, he didn't do all the things he said he would do. He's a politician, and it turns out they don't keep their promises. SHOCK. He did some good stuff though, and he did it mostly with integrity and notable lack of misogynistic, paternalistic, dogmatic, oppressive, disrespectful rhetoric. Which is, for some reason, the new standard in this game.
So here's a little reminder of how far we've come since he took over, some of the cooler things he's done, and a little look at where he'd like to go if he gets to keep us on our present course. And, it's narrated by Tom Hanks, so that's very soothing and perhaps Oscar-worthy.
The Road We've Traveled
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