Cranberry Sauce Public Service Announcement

Dear Readers-
I implore you to forego the canned cranberry stuff this holiday season and make your own cranberry sauce.  Even if you are not a cook and don't normally go the "from scratch" route for your holiday meals, and even if you don't even like the canned cranberry stuff and were planning on skipping the red goo this year, give this a shot.  You'll thank me.  Cranberry sauce is literally the easiest thing to make on my whole holiday table, and it turns the meal bright and fancy, dresses up the sandwiches you'll make from leftover turkey, and generally makes life good.

I'm providing two recipes here, the basic stovetop cranberry sauce, which is basically what the canned stuff is trying to be, and my mom's cranberry relish, which is a simple raw relish that is probably the best turkey sandwich condiment ever invented.  Fo' reals.

Cranberry Sauce: It really is this easy!

1 bag fresh cranberries, rinsed
1 cup water
1 cup sugar

Put the nouns in a saucepan, maybe even stir them if you feel fancy.  Bring to a boil and simmer until the berries pop. Remove from heat, cool and eat.

Cranberry Relish

1 bag cranberries
1 cup walnuts
1 whole orange, seeded
1 cup sugar

Chop all ingredients in the food processor for several minutes until the consistency of pickle relish.  Eat.


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