Marathon Training

This morning I ran farther than I had ever run before.  I ran about 14 miles, and though that's only a few tenths of a mile farther than I'd previously run, it was still an exciting accomplishment and the first of a series of such milestones.  For the next few months, I'll be running farther than before almost every weekend, going beyond what's familiar and into a new set of possibilities.  I believe, after my run today, that I can do this marathon.  It will be hard, and I'm sure I'll face setbacks, but I have my confidence back.  I have faith in myself.  I feel solid.

I got up at 6:30 so I could be on the trail by 7:15 and get my miles in before meeting a friend for brunch at 11.  I would never, never, have been willing to do that a few months ago or last year or really ever before.  I am willing to do it now because I value so much what running gives me, and because I value this process so much.  Every week I get a solid sense of accomplishment and pride that I had the discipline to see through another long run, and every week I get a few hours to myself in the sunshine, out in the world, away from work and worries.  This morning, I got to see a bunny, some chipmunks, and some beautiful blue jays and butterflies as I ran.  And I felt like a kid again.

More importantly, I feel like an athlete.  I feel comfortable with the place that running has taken in my life.  I feel good about getting up early on a Sunday to run fourteen miles.  And, though my earlier self would have found this crazy, I feel perfectly balanced.  I feel like everything that I sacrifice for this, my time, my money, my sleep, my comfort... I get it all back, plus so so so much more.  I want to keep going because the more I put in, the more I get out of it.  I feel healthy and strong and purposeful.  I feel like I could be in a Nike ad.  16 more weeks until the Portland Marathon.  I hope that I keep feeling like each of those weeks is a gift.

Wish me luck.


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