
Well, folks, it's official.  I've been running for a year now.  A year ago I ran my first ever road race, the Race for Justice.  It's a charity 5K, and I did it with Sarah, who is ever delightful and inspiring.  I had never run more than three miles before, and I was nervous about finishing.  It's funny that, in only a year, running has become such a big part of my life.  I never expected to like it so much, or that it would provide me with such a perfect solution to so many different problems: it's how I stay fit, how I maintain a good sleep schedule, how I socialize with many of my friends, how I manage my anxiety, how I relax and how I challenge myself.

I was telling a friend the other day that my constant internal monologue--my doubts, worries, to-do lists, cases and assorted nonsense going round and round and round in my head-- is only silent when I'm reading or when I'm running.  I used to read to escape, to shut off my own mind and take a mental vacation for a while, and I still do.  But now I can also stretch my legs in the sunshine, and fill my brain with the simplest, almost meditative silence.  I can hear my breathing and my stride, and feel my muscles moving, and that's enough.  That's the whole world for an hour or so.  It is heaven.

I hope everyone is having a lovely Saturday.


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