Meal Plan

Because we ended up rescheduling last week's lasagna party, the lasagna reappears this week.  Most of the rest of the meal plan was requested by The Husband, so it's his favorite things.

Husband Soup
Chicken Stir Fry
Orange Glazed Tilapia with Asparagus
Lasagna and Caesar Salad
Roasted Root Vegetable Salad with honey lemon vinaigrette and goat cheese

The salad is something I've been wanting to try since I've had a few really good beet salads recently, but The Husband is not as fond of beets as I am, so I'm rounding it out with carrots and sweet potatoes.  I am planning on making two lasagnas for lasagna night, and I'll post those recipes once I've done them and am sure they turned out well.  The plan is to do one big lasagna with red sauce and put meat on one half and eggplant on the other.  The smaller lasagna will be white sauce with caramelized onions, sage, butternut squash and zucchini.


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