
This last weekend, the husband and I went to the coast for an anniversary getaway, and relearned to appreciate the value of doing nothing.  We sat in the lovely B and B and read by the fireplace, soaked in the jacuzzi, or, in the husband's case, watched some football.  It was divine.  Almost two years ago, we stayed in that same B and B and the husband proposed in front of the fireplace in our room there.  It feels like an awfully long time ago now, but in a weird way it's also hard to believe that we got engaged, planned a wedding, married and made it to our first anniversary since that proposal weekend.

I won't fill up this whole post with mushy sappy love, but I did want to say that this weekend reminded me that I'd rather sit in a splendid stillness with my husband than go on the wildest adventure with anyone else.  He brings to everyday moments the possibility of profound peace and unsullied joy, and I am grateful for him.  I hope that as we go on we continue to find that the more we give each other, the more we have, for years and years to come.


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