Homemade Tortillas and "refried" Pinto Beans

I've posted before about how wonderfully transformative it can be to make the food you eat instead of buy it.  I realize that time is precious, and that not everyone has the wonderful resource of time that I have, but I luxuriate in the wonderful privilege of being able to craft my food.  For example, tonight, I ate tortillas, pinto beans, and a small dollop of salsa and greek yogurt for dinner.  And it was heavenly.  It was fantastic.  I cannot emphasize how wonderfully simple, nourishing and delicious it was.  I made the tortillas this afternoon,  watching each one puff up and blister on the skillet, and slow-cooked the pintos in vegetable broth with garlic, cumin and chiles until they were soft and could be smashed together for a wonderfully textured "refried" feel without adding more fat.

Oooh, yum.


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