Marathon Training FINAL WEEK! Eek!

Well, the last month of training has not been what I hoped it would be.  I haven't been running the miles I was scheduled to... I've been running about half that, actually.  And my last few longs runs weren't long.  I've been battling injury and the demands of travel, family and work.  I've been struggling with grief and exhaustion and discouragement.  But, ready or not, I am running a marathon one week from today.

I had a good run today: 8 miles in the rain.  It was a good reminder that it's October now, and I'm facing a few long months of these gloomy, soggy runs.  It was a wake-up call that the marathon itself might not be the sunny adventure I had envisioned.  It was also a reminder that I'm in better shape than I think.  8 miles is, frankly, easy, even at the relatively ambitious pace I set today, and even after a few weeks of slacking off or being hurt.  I can run 8 miles no problem.  So even though I haven't logged the distanced I wanted, I am trying to convince myself that I am ready enough, that I can do this, and that it will all be okay.

I also want to take a moment to ask for help again.  In this last week I expect I will be nervous and suffering from some self-doubt.  I need encouragement and support.  Also, if you can, please consider clicking on the link in the right sidebar of this blog and sponsoring my run for the American Cancer Society.  It would mean a lot to me.  Thank you so much, everyone, for all the help and support you've already given me.  I'm grateful.


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