Run Fail

I had every intention of getting up early this morning to do my long run before all the baby shower prep of this weekend of double baby showers. I even set my alarm.  It was a great plan.  Except, well, that it wasn't.  I was just too tired.  Waaaaay too tired.

  When my alarm went off I almost cried, and so I decided that a long run was just not happening and instead I should sleep for three more hours.  And so I did.  It's been a crazy week of sleep deprivation and bad news and other nonsense, so I needed the sleep, but now I shall have to do my long run tomorrow after all the baby shower stuff, when I imagine I will be even more tired.  Oh well.  I know I was robbing Peter to pay Paul, but Peter doesn't catch me until tomorrow.  That's for Future Alice to worry about.


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