Finally Feeling Better

I have been sick for two weeks.  I had strep throat for a week, and since I finished my antibiotics I have been struggling with the residuals; cough, sinus pain, congestion... just a general feeling of yuck.  I have been exhausted and barely able to get through the day most days, and though I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I am wondering how long it'll take to get back to 100%.   Hopefully, not too much longer.

As a result of all the sickness, I haven't been myself... I haven't been doing the things that keep me sane and happy, or really doing anything but going to work and going to bed.  I had brief moments of feeling better last weekend before the sinus pain set in, and I got to see some friends, but mostly, I have been a blob going from work to bed and back again.  Worse, I haven't run in two weeks!  Two!  I feel really weak and unenergized and it is kind of amazing that I am still standing, because running is how I manage my anxiety, how I center myself, how I feel strong and confident and reaffirm my own sense of Me-ness, and these last two weeks have had plenty of emotional sucker punches in them.  I have had to practice the fine arts of letting go, delegating, and acceptance, and well, I suck at them.  I totally suck.  So it's been really difficult, even to do the little things like admit I don't have energy to make dinner.

Tonight I cooked.  It was awesome.  I really haven't cooked in two weeks, and so tonight I made some buttermilk roasted chicken, some kale wilted in garlic and white wine, and some crispy roast potatoes.  The house is all warm and smells lovely, my belly is full and I feel content.  Tired, but recuperating.  It's good to be getting back to myself.


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