Overnight Oatmeal- Updated

For The Husband's breakfast tomorrow. 1 cup steel cut oats, two cups dried fruit (raisins and apples), tsp cinnamon, 4 cups water and 1/2 cup half and half go into the crockpot overnight on low. We'll see in the morning if it is good!

And the verdict is--it's good!  In fact, it's really good.  I will probably use a little less water next time, but it cooked perfectly, and the fruit made it sweet enough that I didn't add sugar at all.  (The Husband added sugar, but admitted it probably wasn't necessary).  I also found it sufficiently creamy without adding milk, but The Husband added some.  This is a great winter breakfast for us because it is warm, ready the moment we wake up, and makes enough for several days.  Next week, we might try dried cherries in it, or peaches, or some other yummy fruit.  The Husband suggested strawberries and bananas.  We'll see what's good! 


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