
As usual, my friend Sarah has found a way to inspire me.  I was reading this post of hers about how she has realized that she compares herself constantly to other people and finds it depressing and demoralizing, and has realized that what she ought to be doing is comparing herself to herself: appreciating her own inspiring and transformative experiences, recognizing her progress and accomplishments and generally turning her focus inward.  Her post and the resources she linked to really spoke to me, in large part because Sarah and I are so similar, and in large part because another friend asked me recently why the heck I'm so hard on myself and I didn't  have a good answer.  Sarah is doing the kind of introspection and consideration that I was raised on and that I have let go of in recent years.  It is a reminder of how to be a better me and live the values I was taught as a kid.  (Thanks, mom!)

I have spent many many (many many!) fruitless hours comparing myself to others, looking at my friends and seeing their successes or their attributes as standards I can't ever reach.  And that is a huge waste of time.  Afterall, no one is better at being me than me.

I'm not sure how well I'll be able to practice what I preach, at least at first, but I resolve to try.


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