
It's been a slow couple of weeks for me and running.  I have been unmotivated and the weather has been terrible, which means that weekend running has just not been happening.  Boo.

I have decided to cut myself a little slack and just go with the flow for the rest of December.  A friend at work has asked me to run a half marathon with her the first week of April, so I am going to start training for the race in January.  I"m really looking forward to the training, but I'm also really enjoying taking it easy right now.  I run a few nights a week at the gym on the treadmill, watching Rachel Maddow and listening to Lady Gaga, and that's fine for now.

However, a good friend of mine has been doing lunchtime runs, and they are sorely tempting me.  I am not sure if I"m up for feeling sweaty and gross the second half of my workdays, but still, I get so antsy in the office that many days I just feel like I"m ready to burst out of there by midday, like I need to get all cold and snotty and tingly and tired on a good long run.  Maybe I'll give it a shot.


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to the run in April! And I highly recommend the lunchtime run. Maybe you could get a showers-only lower membership rate at the Y? The shower is the one thing I miss about the old office...

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